Episode 2
Planner Perspectives - Association (Logan B.)
Welcome to the So Many Places to Go PLANNER PERSPECTIVES series! In this episode we talk to our friend and colleague Logan Beszterda and dig into the uniqueness of sourcing venues for associations, especially local chapters. We talk about cover the importance of relationships, repeat business, restaurants and private rooms, and SO much more! BONUS: we walk away from this episode with all kinds of other topics for next season's Info-to-GROW series (like contract negotiations, scripting, timeline development, how the heck Wi-Fi works, and more)!
#Planagers #SoManyPlacesToGoPodcast #InfoToGrow
If you're interested in connecting with Logan, send her a note at logan@amc-texas.com.
As always, you can reach the IMM Team at: connect@immwow.com or via social media, and find forms to submit your ideas, suggestions and co-host requests at immwow.com/podcast.